Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another quickie

So I'm on Keltner's comp, spending more time than I should on the internet. BUT, I really want to keep you guys plugged in to what I'm doing here. I'm hoping this blog will allow you to vicariously witness God in Africa.

Coming to Africa, I thought I was going to be completely blown away by the differences in culture, in people, language, everything. But the longer I'm here, the more I realize how similar we really are. And I'm blown away by that. It doesn't matter where I am or who I'm with because God is here. God is in these people, in this place. We are all connected by one God. We are all God's children. It's just so amazing seeing it here.

A couple times a week, the interns meet to share life stories. Though I've shared my story in bits in pieces, I've never really shared it as one whole cohesive thing. So I was dreading it, putting it off, and dreading it some more. But, I felt that God was really calling me tell it all and tell it like it is AND to people I'd met only about a week ago. He truly gave me the strength to face my life and tell my story. And, once I told that story, I was just overwhelmed with love. Love that I never expected, and love that was from God.

It's just so awesome here. Living, breathing, walking, talking, laughing, crying, with God all the time. And at the end of every single day, I can't help but feel a little bit sad that I have one less day here in Malawi.

So since I don't have much time to elaborate on everything, here's a list of things about today that I want to mention:
I went to Flood Malawi today and met with Pastor Sean!
Got a tour of African Bible College!
Went to Bright's (a friend) farm today and had sugar cane, some root thing, and Malawian "bubblegum" which was really Malawian mucus! (I'll explain later)
I've crashed a Malawian birthday party!
Hopefully I'll get to crash a couple Malawian weddings soon.
Went to the Malawian market and bargained in Chichewa.
Squished with 11 other people in the defender (our jeep) which we also refer to as the hummer
Made Nsima with the villagers
Learned how to shake it like Malawians do
Assimilated with ease with Malawian time (Malawians are always late...probably not the best thing)
Took a million pictures
Made MTV Cribs Malawi Africa Edition
The stars here are amazing! (different hemisphere, different constellations. I can see the southen cross!)
The clouds are even more ridiculous!
AND, African sunsets are more than I bargained for
Book I'm currently reading: Abba's Child by Brennan Manning

Ok it's time to go now, but hopefully you got a little taste of Malawi from this! Still more to come!!

Love, Love, Love



  1. It sounds amazing! Girl, you sound so happy! :) I love you!

  2. Angela!!! God is SOOO good!!! :)
    I've been on the road with no internet, but I found a hotspot tonight and finally got to read your blog! (not going to lie... I cried a little.. :) It is just so amazing and encouraging to hear of your experiences and to see His work through you in Malawi :) I can literally picture it and am filled with excitement for you! I'm praying for ya'll (I'm in Mississippi right now and practiciing my southern twang :) Send my love to all my Malawian family!!! Tell Alicia, Chris, Carson, and all the other interns I don't know hi for me as well and that you are all in my prayers!!! :)
    <3 Karin

    P.S. I was thinking of you as I was reading over Romans 8:15 again :) I know it was an encouragement to all of us in our small group and I pray that God would show you new things today through His word as you meditate on this verse today :)
